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Foundation For American Track Cycling

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Foundation for American Track Cycling Announces Junior Development Rider Selections for 2024

Juniors Rule!

Juniors Rule! 2021 Development Racing Series

The Madison Cup Series

Foundation Ambassadors

Foundation for American Track Cycling Ambassador Program rider Kayla Hankins
  • The Juniors Rule! Development Program

  • Juniors Rule! is the junior track racing development series produced in partnership with the Los Angeles Velodrome Racing Association
  • Six Day Berlin

  • Junior development programs in 2018 included the opportunity to race internationally

  • The Foundation for American Track Cycling partners with Los Angeles Velodrome Racing Association (LAVRA) on development programs at VELO Sports Center
  • Six Day London

  • FATC Madison Cup - Developing Champions!

  • Phillips Claud and Michael Perez preparing for 3 Jours d'Aigle in Switzerland

The Juniors Rule! Development Program

Juniors Rule! is the junior track racing development series produced in partnership with the Los Angeles Velodrome Racing Association

Six Day Berlin

Junior development programs in 2018 included the opportunity to race internationally


The Foundation for American Track Cycling partners with Los Angeles Velodrome Racing Association (LAVRA) on development programs at VELO Sports Center

Six Day London

FATC Madison Cup - Developing Champions!

Phillips Claud and Michael Perez preparing for 3 Jours d'Aigle in Switzerland